Based in Manila, PH
+8 GMT
Hello, I'm Jan.
Working with Digital Marketing Agencies since 2010. 
Contact Me
I love building things online.

I loved the internet the moment I realized the endless possibilities and opportunities you can have just by being connected. As someone who lives in the Philippines, I have always been torn between my love of living here, traveling, and tapping the opportunities I can find overseas. In 2008, I found that sweet spot called remote work and never looked back.
Project Management.
I've collaborated with numerous digital marketing agencies, blending innovative web solutions with effective business strategies. My passion lies in transforming challenges into opportunities, ensuring every project not only meets but exceeds expectations.

Companies I've worked with as a Project Manager: 

Aligned Agency - Perth, Australia

Started as a project manager and helped setup the company systems. Worked closely with the CEO and managed the company outsource team in India.

HelloASI - California, USA
A company focused on digital marketing AI solutions, I'm responsible for planning and running projects for our clients from start to finish. I handle both the design and development team, making sure that the right tools are used to efficiently complete high quality projects. 

Ledge Brand Agency- Christchurch, NZ
Ledge is a design and branding company based in NZ run by a one-man team. The CEO/Designer does all the client heavy work and reached out to help scale the company. I am responsible for client project coordinations within the business and our contractors to make sure that all projects are done in a timely manner and at par with the brand's quality.
Web development.
I'm a self-taught web developer and my passion for it started when I was a project manager at Aligned Agency. Managing web developers and projects required a level of knowledge that I did not possess during that time. With a ton of available resources online, I took the time each day to teach myself more about web development and through years of application. 

Companies I've worked with as a Web Developer: 

Spark Marketing - Calgary, Canada

I worked with Spark as a web developer and accomplished full builds for clients in a span of 2-4 weeks time. Web development scope covered design, development, server setups and maintenance for all the clients. 

Cavetta Marketing - California, USA
I worked with Cavetta as a web developer and quickly became lead developer. I was responsible in coordination projects with management, designers, and developers while completing web projects assigned to me.

HelloASI - California, USA
I started as a web developer for the company and moved me up to project management just after a month of building websites with them. During my short stint as a web developer, I was responsible in building websites based on designs that clients approved. 

Ledge Brand Agency- Christchurch, NZ
I started as a web developer for Ledge and was responsible for most of their web projects. We were mostly using Webflow and Wordpress builds. Ledge would design the websites and I would build the sites for their clients in NZ. 
As I got deep into web development, I realized that not a lot of developers have the knowledge and eye for great design. Web developers mostly rely on building by looking at a design. Again, I took the time to study the basic principles of design and how I can apply it to my website builds. 

Companies I've worked with that involved my knowledge of UX/UI: 

HelloASI - California, USA
Before moving me up to project management, HelloASI moved me from web developement to taking care of the design team. Helping them come up with a creative process that would help them improve their designs for every unique client that comes to us. 

Ledge Brand Agency- Christchurch, NZ
Ledge, being a design and branding company, helped me apply the design principles I've studied by giving me free rein into modifying their designs as I see fit. I would apply these design modifications into my website builds to improve user experience. 
I started my remote career in digital marketing as a creative writer. Because all content should be optimized for SEO, I had to learn how to write unique content while adhering to SEO best practices. Along the way, I was introduced to various tools that helped me maximize my knowledge in SEO. 

Companies I've worked with as an SEO Specialist: 

Aligned Agency - Perth, Australia

After being a project manager for the company for a year, the company had to change the business strategy and had me learn local SEO for a few months. For years, I was the person doing all the local SEO for our SEO clients using strategies in Google Business Profile and Off-Page SEO. Client business' increased their sales through online leads. 
Personal Projects.
With over a decade in the digital marketing world, I've come up with my own personal projects that uses the internet as a leverage to tap into the global market. 

VA House 

VA House is a virtual assistant agency that is run by two people. We started this project in late 2020 when people in the PH started to embrace the work-from-home setup but had a hard time looking for opportunities. 

Soda85 Digital
Soda85 Digital is a design and development company I started back in 2019. I found an opportunity to start my own company as an experiment but earned loyal clients that I continue to work with. We are a small team that caters to clients from all over the world.  
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